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  • Has Khoj begun in-field / in-person research?
    With Covid19 related restrictions completely lifted, we have begun in-field/in-person research across all regions of the country.
  • Does Khoj also offer the option of remote online research?
    Having extensively conducted online sessions remotely, over the course of the last 4 years, we are fully equipped and experienced to conduct remote online research using a combination of effective tools / software / systems while has been tried, tested and customized to deliver an output that could best be described to be as close as to what would have been the case, under normal circumstances. Please do contact us for more details.
  • Which locations does Khoj provide its services in?
    Apart from providing services across all regions of India, including tier 1 cities, tier 2 cities, small towns, as well as rural locations, Khoj also delivers its services across 33+ countries in Asia, Europe, Africa, South America, North America & Australia through experienced and trusted partnerships. Illustrated below is an example of locations covered for a single study, for one of our clients.
  • Does Khoj provide services in locations other than India?
    Yes, we at Khoj do provide our services in over 33+ countries across Asia, Europe, Africa, South America, North America and Australia. Feel free to reach out to know more.
  • How much lead time is required to execute a project on the ground?
    The time required to plan and execute a project varies depending on the complexity of the study. As an estimate, participant recruitment, often the most critical aspect of a project, takes anywhere between 15-20 days, in the case of a complex recruit. It would therefore be safe to say that, in the case of a complex study, it would be ideal to decide and finalize the centre(s) and participant recruitment criteria at least 15-20 days before the actual project dates. During this time discussion guides, study material and other logistics can be worked on and finalized.
  • How does Khoj facilitate lab sessions, especially when in remote locations?"
    At Khoj we have, over time, developed an efficient and highly effective usability lab set up, for UX research studies. This set up is a combination of selective hardware (sleds cameras / translation gear / recording equipment etc) and supporting softwares, which enable us to stream and record sessions for sharing, viewing and detailed analysis. The set-up is effectively mobile and can, without much effort, be taken into participant homes or even remote rural locations, without being intrusive or inconvenient to our participants in any way. We are happy to share more details of the set up and its resulting output, if you are interested.
  • Are we (the client) always required to travel for a project?
    While it is good to be part of and experience a research study first hand, it is not always a compulsion. With proper planning and preparation, we at Khoj are experienced enough to conduct the study remotely, in your absence and relay back the findings, including finer nuances and context. The sessions themselves can be live streamed and/or recordings (with the English voice over), transcripts and audios shared with you, within hours of the sessions being conducted, via cloud based services like G Drive, Box, Dropbox or any other medium/platform that is both convenient and approved.
  • How does Khoj safeguard User Privacy and Data Security, while conducting research?"
    Privacy and Data Security are our top concerns. We at Khoj have laid down and strictly follow the listed guidelines, as detailed in our Privacy Policy and Data Retention & Destruction Policy, displayed on our website. In addition, we are open to discuss and address any specific concerns/suggestions that you may have.
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